Yo ho, Mateys! Anthro Weekend Utah 2025 is happening August 1st-3rd, 2025! Grab yer spyglass and take a gander at the below Convention Policies. Please note that possession of a convention badge and attendance at the convention affirms that you agree to adhere to these policies.

General Rules

  • Anthro Weekend Utah’s primary goal is to be a safe and welcoming convention for members of all ages, genders, and species. Additionally, the state of Utah has very strict laws governing content that minors may be exposed to. Because of this, the maximum permissible rating for general events, activities, panels, artwork, and other items in open convention space is PG/SFW. While we fully support adult activities, we ask that these be kept to room parties and designated events.
    • Open display of NSFW items in convention space is not permitted.
      • Adult artwork in the dealer’s den must be restricted to an 18+ binder, please see the dealer’s policies for more details.
    • If a panel is intended to be for more mature audiences (e.g. Cards Against Humanity), it will be clearly indicated on the schedule and signage. Such circumstances are the only exception to the convention’s PG policy.
  • Anything illegal outside the convention is obviously illegal inside the convention. Note that the laws in Utah may differ from those in your home state.
  • If an action compromises the general feeling of safety, positivity, and enjoyment by convention members, Anthro Weekend Utah will take an appropriate reaction, up to and including a ban from the convention or pursuit of legal action via the appropriate authorities.
  • The policies contained on this page are generally worst-case scenarios. In general, Anthro Weekend Utah expects little to no difficulties with its members, as everyone at large is willing to be a reasonable and rational individual.


  • You may only register once, i.e. one person may not have multiple registrations and badges.
  • Your personal information, such as your name, date of birth, and address as entered on Anthro Weekend Utah's registration form MUST match your legal ID or you will not be permitted to enter the convention space. Your personal identifying information is kept secure and is never shared with outside parties.
  • All attendees are privately and automatically screened upon registration against national sex offender registries. Offenders and those convicted of a sexual or violent crime against children or adults are not permitted to attend AWU.
    • If you believe you have appeared on the registry incorrectly, please contact us directly and we will review the situation.
  • Individuals who meet any of the following criteria must ask regarding their eligibility if they wish to gain membership to the convention:
    • Anyone who has been banned from a major convention.
    • Anyone who has been convicted of a violent or sexual felony.
    • Anyone who is a member of a group which advocates for the attack or persecution of a class of people based on immutable characteristics.
    • Such individuals will be reviewed by the convention board and a determination will be met prior to the convention.
  • Attending Anthro Weekend Utah when unqualified or unregistered (or providing the means for another such individual to do so) is grounds for a permanent ban from the convention, in addition to any applicable legal action.


  • Anthro Weekend Utah currently takes place in the Davis Conference Center in Layton, Utah. The convention rooms are rented out, but the attached hotel is a public thoroughfare and may have non-members walking through. Remember, this may be the first time people encounter our fandom. Be polite, understanding, and kind to people who are learning about furries for the first time.
    • Treat each other with respect! Everyone is here to have fun and meet people. Harassing, bullying, intimidating, threatening, obstructing, or otherwise targeting others will not be tolerated. You're a big, lovable fuzzy (or scaley, or feathered!) creature. Act like one!
    • If you are a victim of harassment, inform convention staff immediately so the issue can be addressed.
    • Some people may not like hugs, especially from strangers; please refrain from hugging or touching others unless you have their consent.
    • If you have a hotel room and are planning a party, please follow the rules of your respective hotels.
    • The Davis Conference Center does not allow animals into the convention space, including therapy or anxiety pets. The only exception to this is service animals that have been trained in accordance with the ADA to provide assistance to an individual with a disability through a specific action.
    • Anthro Weekend Utah is not responsible for solving personal issues between members that arise before the convention. AWU cannot bar an individual from attending solely because someone does not want them to attend. For most circumstances, an individual cannot be barred from attending unless that individual presents a specific and credible threat toward the convention itself or if another individual can produce a legal restraining order.

Hotel and Venue

  • If you have a hotel room and are planning a party, please follow any additional rules of your respective hotels which are not represented in this code of conduct.
  • Anthro Weekend Utah takes hotel misconduct very seriously. If your hotel room is vandalized, left in extreme disarray, or found to contain biohazards of any variety, all listed occupants of your room will be swiftly and permanently banned from the convention. AWU will also assist the hotel and local authorities in the pursuit of justice from each respective organization as needed. Housekeeping does not deserve to deal with any lack of human decency, and AWU wants no part in that.
    • Accidents do happen sometimes- and if they do, simply be honest with the hotel by getting them resolved immediately.
    • Remember- you are ultimately responsible for your hotel room. If an outside individual is causing havoc in your space, do not hesitate to take any reasonable measures to have them permanently dismissed from your room.
    • Any rooms which have been vandalized in any fashion, which includes biohazards left inside or outside the room, will result in one (or likely more) of the following:
      • Its occupants evicted for the remainder of the convention
      • Its occupants banned from the convention and local hotels
      • Its occupants reported to local authorities on charges of vandalism
  • Treat the convention space with respect. If you damage the space, you will be held financially responsible for the damage. If you want a hole in your wallet, you can go to the dealer's den instead- and you'll get to keep something to show for it!
    • Excessive and/or intentional damage, as well as any acts performed which make the convention space unpleasant to be in, are grounds for a permanent ban from Anthro Weekend Utah as well as any applicable pursuit of justice from authorities.


  • Cosplay or fursuiting is NOT consent.
    • Do not touch, hug, grab, squeeze, or otherwise make physical contact with people that have not already consented to it. If you don't know if you have permission, ask.
      • Everyone needs to be afforded the courtesy of asking before making contact. If the person you want to hug or "boop" (touch on the nose) asks you NOT to touch them or expresses that would make them uncomfortable, DO NOT touch them.
    • You can turn someone's great convention experience into a bad one by invading their personal space and touching them without permission. Don't.
    • Do not touch or move others' fursuits without their permission. This extends to spraying Febreeze or other deodorizing products on people and/or their suits. Fursuits are expensive, and not all materials react the same way to cleaning agents. Risk of damage to suits, or possible allergic reactions of suiters, must be avoided.
    • Please respect suiters' space and well-being. If a suiter is obviously in a hurry or declining forms of interaction (e.g. photos), let them get to their destination. They may be overheating and/or in need of a break.
    • The headless lounge is meant to be a sanctuary for fursuiters to cool off, not a high-traffic social space. Each suiter is permitted a maximum of one non-suited handler to accompany them into the lounge; other non-suiters are not permitted. Photography inside or into the lounge is prohibited, but you are welcome to capture a suiter's grand re-entry into the public convention space!


  • It will be HOT in August in Utah! Please make sure you’re wearing comfortable and breathable clothing as much as possible. While in the convention space, please additionally refrain from wearing clothing that is inappropriate for our convention’s PG atmosphere, or likely to result in complaints or offense from others. This includes excess gore/horror, explicit OR implicit sex- or fetish-related gear as well as clothing or modifications with obvious sexual implications.
    • Harnesses and collars are permitted.
    • Displays of excessive gore, blood, disembowelment, dismemberment or similar are not permitted.
    • Leashes attached to collars and held by another party are not permitted, as they are a tripping/clotheslining/choking hazard in crowded halls.
    • Underwear may not be worn as outerwear.
    • Any mechanism that deliberately draws focus to the genital area is not permitted.
    • Clothing with insignia promoting hate groups is not permitted, i.e. armbands with the Nazi insignia.
  • Generally speaking, If you can wear it in public and it adheres to the rules above, you can wear it in the convention space.
  • If you choose to wear an outfit or costume that gives the appearance of real weaponry, such as SWAT gear, military gear, or similar realistic-looking items, please check in with the registration desk.
  • Shorts, crop tops, tank tops, and other regular summer wear are permitted.


  • Shower, use deodorant, brush your teeth, the works.
    • Clean and brush your fursuit.
    • A lot of people in a shared space can quickly compound bad smells. It is recommended that you bathe yourself at least every day, possibly more depending on other factors (like exertion levels). You know what it takes to keep yourself clean, please do it!
    • Your general health is important! Remember the classic 6-2-1 rule: at least six hours of sleep a day, two meals, and one shower or bath will keep you in top shape for the weekend.

Food and Drink

  • Per the Davis Conference Center policy, outside food or drink is not allowed in the convention space. Water bottles with water are permitted. If you bring food from outside the convention center, the DCC asks that you consume it outside or in your hotel room.
    • The Davis Conference Center will offer a food stand during the day. Food purchased in the Davis Conference Center may be consumed there.


  • All parents and legal guardians must purchase a convention registration, regardless of whether they are “just supervising” their child or not. Our venue, suppliers, equipment, and material costs are not charged on the basis of who is actively participating.
  • Children aged 5 and younger as of August 1, 2025 are not required to register for the convention. “Kit” badges will be available on-site, upon request, to mark such individuals.
  • For those 16-17 years old as of the first day (August 1, 2025) of the convention:
    • A signed, notarized Parental Consent Form is required in order to attend without a parent or guardian. If the form is not notarized, you will not be admitted.
    • A notarized consent form may be scanned and submitted online at MyAWU.org after you have registered for the convention. The form is not considered valid until it has been marked as “accepted” in the MyAWU online portal.
    • Even after electronically submitting the form online on MyAWU, hold on to the physical copy until the convention has concluded.
    • If you bring your form in-person rather than submitting it in advance online, you must bring the original document, not a copy.
    • Federal and state forgery laws apply for any attempt at faking a notarized document, and such laws can carry felony charges with fines in the tens of thousands and/or jail time. Anthro Weekend Utah must, and will, pursue the full extent of the law. Simply do the right thing and get it truthfully notarized.
    • You must bring a photo ID to check in to the convention.
    • If you have the notarized form, you do not need to attend with a parent.
    • If your parent or legal guardian attends with you, you do not need the notarized form.
    • Your parent or legal guardian may appoint another adult to attend with you; see "Appointing an Alternate Guardian" below.
  • For those 15 and under as of the first day (August 1, 2025) of the convention:
    • You must attend with a parent/legal guardian and they must stay within waving distance of you at all times.
    • The parent or legal guardian must purchase a convention badge.
    • If you and your parent / legal guardian purchase different registration tiers, the individual with the lower tier is permitted to accompany the individual with the higher tier in any advance admission or seating lines.
      • This privilege is only extended to individuals age 15 or younger, due to the requirement of staying within waving distance of a parent or guardian.
      • This privilege does not extend to the Alpha Dinner; the Alpha registrant may purchase an additional dinner ticket if desired.
    • Your parent or legal guardian may appoint another adult to attend with you in their stead; see "Appointing an Alternate Guardian" below.
    • A basic registration is available to children 12 years or younger free of charge. Higher-tiered registrations are still available at the standard prices.
    • Parents/guardians and children must be physically present and check in together at the convention.
  • Appointing an Alternate Guardian
    • Parents or legal guardians of members under the age of 18 may approve a responsible adult (18 years of age or older) to serve as a temporary guardian of minor members during the course of the convention.
    • To do this, the parent or legal guardian as well as the appointed temporary guardian must sign an Alternate Guardian Form in the presence of a notary. If this form is not notarized, it will not be accepted, and the minor(s) will not be admitted to the convention.
    • A notarized Alternate Guardian Form can be submitted online at MyAWU.org, in advance, after all parties have registered for the convention. The form is not considered valid until it has been marked as accepted on the website.
    • Even after electronically submitting the form online to AWU, hold on to the physical copy until the convention has concluded.
    • A new alternate guardian form must be filled out, signed, and notarized for each child; multiple minors may not be listed on a single form.
    • All parents/guardians and children must be physically present and check in together at the convention.
  • Refunds will not be issued in any circumstances which arise from a failure to understand and adhere to these procedures and guidelines. Please ensure that you have the proper notarized paperwork either physically in-hand at the convention or submitted and approved online before arriving at the convention.


  • Utah law prohibits the consumption of alcohol in any public building as well as bringing an alcoholic beverage onto the premises of an establishment open to the general public. Party on, and keep those drinks in your room or in the Davis Conference Center's bar.
  • Illegal substances and drugs are, well, illegal. Note that the substance laws in Utah may differ significantly from the substance laws in your home state.
    • Smoking and vaping are not permitted inside the Davis Conference Center.


  • Weapons, firearms, and explosives are not allowed anywhere in the convention space whatsoever.
    • There is a zero-tolerance policy for this. if you are found to have a real weapon, you will immediately be ejected from the convention and the appropriate authorities will be contacted. Such conduct will also put you at risk of being banned from any future Anthro Weekend Utah conventions. The safety of the larger population of members is more important than letting you carry around things like pocket knives, etc. If you don’t feel safe enough to attend the convention without a weapon, do not attend. If you know of anyone who has stated an intention to cause harm at the convention, please alert Anthro Weekend Utah staff or the authorities.
  • If you are wearing military gear and have items mimicking real weaponry, please check in with registration as indicated in the “Dress” section. Should you fail to do so, you will be approached by a member of staff or security. You may be removed from the convention for failing to check in with registration.

Outside Events

  • Anthro Weekend Utah is happy to collaborate with other companies and fandoms!
  • If you want to be a sponsor or cross advertise with Anthro Weekend Utah, please send an email to pr@anthroweekendutah.org.
    • During the days of the convention, August 1-3, 2025, AWU does not promote for outside events. For example, if the FanX Comic Convention had a costume competition during Friday night of the convention, Anthro Weekend Utah would not promote their event or advertise for it.
  • Unless officially announced, Anthro Weekend Utah has no affiliation with any outside event.


  • Photographs and video are allowed in the convention space, with the exception of any headless lounges.
  • The Anthro Weekend Utah Staff as well as designated photographers will be on hand and may take pictures during events or activities.
    • If you prefer not to have your picture taken, please notify the person with the camera.
    • Unless explicitly requested otherwise, pictures taken may be used by the staff on our website, social media, or for other marketing purposes. AWU will credit the subjects of the photos and/or the photographers given the staff's best efforts to identify them.
  • If you're taking personal pictures, it is considered polite to get permission from those you're taking pictures of, prior to taking the photo.
  • There will be a photo booth in the main convention area for you to get your picture taken, either with your personal cameras and equipment or by the AWU photographer.

Merchandise and Refunds

  • You are expected to pick up your merch with your registration badge at the convention.
  • In the event that you purchase Ultimate or Alpha registration and you are not able to pick up the merch at-con, you may email registration at registration@anthroweekendutah.org to request your merch be mailed to you. You must include your name, registration confirmation number, and mailing address in the email so that your registration can be located. You have one month after the last day of the convention to contact Anthro Weekend Utah. For 2025, this date is September 3, 2025.
  • If you do not contact the convention by this date, your merch will be surrendered to the online convention store for resale.
  • After May 3, 2025, only the value of Basic-level registration may be refunded. Please note, this means Ultimate or Alpha reg will only receive a refund of $85. This is due to the cost of merchandise, which goes into production after that date.
  • After June 22, 2025, refunds are no longer available whatsoever.
  • Basic-level Registrations may be rolled over once to the following year, until July 30, 2025.
  • Ultimate and Alpha-level registration cannot be fully rolled over due to the custom and limited nature of their perks. You may roll over a Basic-level registration once to the following year, and you will receive your Ultimate-level or Alpha-level merchandise in the mail the month after the 2025 convention concludes.

Questions, Comments, Concerns?

  • Please reach out at contact@anthroweekendutah.org. There is also means for electronic feedback submission during the convention for any and all suggestions.
  • During the convention, you can talk to volunteers and board members directly. If there are any issues, let Anthro Weekend Utah staff know as soon as possible it can be addressed.


  • Rules and policies may change at any time, and it is your responsibility to read and stay up-to-date on the current Code of Conduct.
  • If someone is acting inappropriately, please report it to Anthro Weekend Utah staff. Staff and Volunteers will be on hand at all times for assistance.
  • Anthro Weekend Utah reserves the sole right of interpretation of these policies. Don't try to use a technicality to get around a rule. If you do not understand a rule, the Anthro Weekend Utah staff are happy to explain it and work with you. Be reasonable and spare us the sass, we're only human too. Well, human-animal people…
  • Anthro Weekend Utah reserves the right to refuse service or membership privileges to anyone.
  • If you are ejected from the convention for any reason, your money will not be refunded.
  • By attending the convention, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Anthro Weekend Utah and its staff of and from any and all claims, demands, actions, causes of action, losses, damages, lawsuits, including reasonable attorneys fees and court costs, even if such injury or damage is caused by negligence by or on the part of Anthro Weekend Utah.
  • Liability is limited to the cost of attendance.